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一、新機啟動前注意事項( Precautions before starting a new machine

     1.   加注機發動機機油

        Add oil

     2.   加制冷劑摻入燃油,并探究是否有漏油

        Fill a proper amount of gasoline and observe whether there is oil leakage

     3.   判定油嘴什么情況下通氣,化油器放油(郵箱蓋緊,油孔什么情況下堵,濾杯什么情況下過油,進氣軟管有哪些變彎,油開關按鈕什么情況下瀏覽器打開)

        Confirm whether the oil circuit is smooth and the carburetor is drained (the oil tank cap is tight, whether the oil hole is blocked, whether the filter cup is overfilled, whether the oil pipe is deformed, and whether the oil switch is open)

     4.   各操作的手把在相關的的安全地段 (主變速箱在P檔,插秧剎車在緊固,主離合在離)

       Each operating handle is in the corresponding safe position (the main gear shift is in neutral, the transplanting clutch is fixed, and the main clutch is disengaged)

     5.   核實較近健康安全,啟動服務器儀器

       Confirm the surrounding safety and start the machine


二、裝載苗的注意事項(Precautions for loading seedlings

     1.   挑盡量的苗(苗健康不容易,秧針就取看不到苗,會缺苗)

        Select better seedlings (if the seedlings are not well developed, the needles will not get the seedlings, and there will be a shortage of seedlings)

     2.   秧板移到左側

        Move the seedling board to one side

     3.   從里面間往更替逐漸開始下苗

        Start from the middle to both sides

     4.   放盤時,苗尖往上

        When releasing, the seedling tip shall be upward

     5.   一鍵送秧將手將苗送整整齊齊,可以手摸推苗

        Send the seedlings neatly with the manual handle, and do not push the seedlings by hand

     6.   往秧板與苗期間澆灌

        Watering between seedling boards and seedlings

     7.   皮帶出現然后續盤

        Belt shows half of the extension plate


      三、發動機速度不穩(喘氣,發動機跳繩)Unstable engine speed (gasping, engine skipping)

     1.   是否國5柴油,油質

       Whether there is gasoline and check the oil quality

     2.   化油器:先導螺母(氣田比調比和再啟動噴油嘴)和主進油孔堵

       Carburetor: pilot bolt (oil gas mixture ratio and starting fuel injection nozzle) and main oil inlet plug

     3.   燃液壓管不暢(油少,油難,濾杯的油,機油箱中蓋較緊,油格攔,液壓管抱箍較緊)

       The oil circuit is not smooth (there is little oil, the oil is not good, the filter bowl is not full of oil, the oil tank cover is too tight, the oil grid is blocked, and the oil pipe hoop is too tight)

     4.   連結桿上張緊大彈簧松脫

       The tension spring on the connecting rod falls off

5.   硅膠被浸泡

        Sponge is soaked


四、秧爪不動(The seedling claw does not move

     1.   株距擋沒撥完成

        The spacing block is not in place

     2.   株距小齒輪需不需要沒有問題

        Whether the pitch gear is intact

     3.   46沒調好

        46 Not adjusted properly

     4.   秧大門有硬物:或其他(橫排送秧齒壞損,差不多端蓋,里邊端蓋)

        There are foreign matters at the gate of the rice seedling: or others (lateral rice seedling feeding teeth are damaged, left and right boxes, and middle boxes)

五、缺秧(Lack of seedlings


    Poor seedlings, poor seedling development, and lack of seedlings; The seedling bottom is too narrow;


    Poor seedling lowering: the seedling pressing rod is too tight, the seedling soil is thick, the seedling is too dry, the seedling is too wet, the seedling soil is thin, the seedling is not sent longitudinally, the seedling plate is too wide, and the continuation plate is not good


    The seedling tray is too narrow


    Damaged rice needles: worn and broken

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